Friday, January 17, 2020

Final Reflection - Asher

Asher Forman
Dr. Ott
Personal Finance
17 January 2020
     Personal Finance is something that everyone needs to learn so that one can be prepared for their future. This was my second year of doing personal finance, and I learned so much more. Being a returning student, we had to pick a book of interest, and 'The Intelligent Investor' caught my eye. This book talked about speculation vs value investing, the defensive investor, and portfolios. Since I am a novice investor, I was curious about how I could further my knowledge around this topic. Another thing I did in Personal Finance was an in-depth research about retirement. I was interested in retirement because I would like to retire early, and I wanted to know how I could get started. I found out about 401ks, IRA accounts, Social Security, Annuities, and how much money one will need to retire. Retirement is something that so many people ignore, and become stressed about when they are in their forties and haven't put money into a retirement account. Getting a headstart on this early, and understanding one's options is incredibly important so that one can have a worry-free financial future. Another thing that returnees did was to pick a topic that interests them, and then do a research project about it. I decided to research bonds, as this is something I am considering buying, and I wanted to understand my different choices. Bonds can potentially be one of the safest investments that one can buy for their portfolio. Through this research, I learned about the different types of bonds, bond ratings, characteristics, and interest rate sensitivity. I feel like I have learned an incredible amount even after doing the second year of this course. I would recommend this course to anyone that wants to learn about finances whether one is a beginner or advanced. There are always more things to learn around finance so that one can become 'The Intelligent Investor.'

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