Friday, January 10, 2020

Personal Finance - Wednesday

Today in Personal Finance, we began with an insightful seminar on Your Money or Your Life and Why Didn't They Teach Me This in School. We engaged in deep subjects such as whether we believed that money would rule the world until the end of time and flaws with the mindset society create about money. After this, we continued filling out data in The Game of Life while frequently checking our standings in the Investopedia Stock Simulator. After lunch, some students presented on their topics. First up was Julian discussing something extremely interesting....mortgages. We learned critical negotiation strategies, the importance of paying mortgage on time, and the principal and interest components of mortgage. Next came Sarah Laskin discussing another fascinating topic - Federal Taxes! Woo-hoo! She talked about how, even though Federal Taxes are a pain, they are essential to the development and growth of society. The class learned about types of taxing; regressive, progressive, and proportional as well as how to calculate income tax. Before our brains were about to explode with newly gained knowledge, we took a break to play CashFlow. I had no idea what was going on but I believe the object of the game was to have their income exceed their expenses. After half an hour, we moved on to play a much better game, Kahoot! We played this until the end of the day and learned more about the basics of personal finance. Near the end of the day, we drifted away to "what Disney movie is this song from"  (not to brag, but I was killed that round). While learning about personal finance and understanding strategies to becoming financially independent can be draining and confusing, we will value the lessons learned in this course throughout the rest of our lives.

This student is doing awesome!
Students are having a BLAST on Investopedia!
This student is learning important lessons through this simulation. 

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